Sunday, August 29, 2021

QMS News: So Close

A few of the short short stories I included in Quarantine Monster Shorts were inspired by some of the weirder news stories of 2020 where I gave supernatural/paranormal/ridiculous reasons for them happening. I decided to share a brief explanation of those news stories in case you forgot. Here is the first one. Enjoy!

Not only did 2020 bring about the breakdown of global civilization (temporarily, don't worry), it also brought the almost-death of Earth itself.

And by "almost," I mean not really close at all.

In August, ZTF0DxQ (now relabeled as 2020 QG), an asteroid the size of a truck/school bus, broke the record for flying the closest to Earth while resisting the desire to smash into it, ending all life... ok it wasn't actually big enough to be a global killer but it definitely would've caused all sorts of problems.

Thankfully, the asteroid decided to keep flying, leaving the third rock from the sun no worse for the wear.

It came at us from the direction of the sun so we didn't actually know about it until six hours later when it was well past us. Sorry Michael Bay, there is a very real possibility that we wouldn't have the time to train oil drillers to be astronauts in order to drill a nuclear bomb hole on the asteroid to blow up the rock and save us all. 

Get off... the nuclear... warhead.

We might not even see it coming. 

Look for "Space Songs" in Quarantine Monster Shorts coming October 2021.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Cover Reveal: Quarantine Monster Shorts

Cover reveal!

2020 was a dumpsterfire for humans but what were the monsters doing while the humans were locked up?

And those weird things that kept happening? Did you know most had a supernatural reason?

Find out exactly was was going on last year. Check out my newest book, Quarantine Monster Shorts, out October 2021.