Friday, September 23, 2022

It's Amazing What Consistent Work Will Get You

My biggest fault when it comes to my author process is lack of consistency in how much I work. I'll get a wild hair up my nose and sit down at the computer for 4 hours and get a lot done, then not touch my WIP for three weeks. 

It's not very conducive to producing the volume of work I want to.

In July, my bestie, Jessi, sent me a meme that made all the happy little creative sensors in my brain light up.

And instead of doing what I normally do, which is brainstorm (daydream) for a few days, write a few scenes, then get distracted by the next new idea, I decided to start taking my ancient (by today's standards, in actuality it's like 10 years old) iPad mini to work and write over my lunch break.


The amount of work I have been able to get done using just the notes app on my poor little iPad floored me. In just a couple of months, I've been able to write a whole novel, the fastest I've ever worked. It does help that the iPad can't connect to the internet at work (reduces my distractions), I'm still in Facebook jail (damn you, Zukes!), and I keep telling myself "It doesn't have to be perfect, it's a rough draft, just get the words down" but just the consistency of working for an hour everyday has kept the juices flowing. I don't have to spend a bunch of time rereading what I've written because I forgot what's going on. I can quickly scan over what I wrote the previous day to get in the right headspace and jump right in. 

After all these years of having people tell me it's key to write everyday, I can finally say "Yep, you're right. Good on ya."

I would love to continue this process but I have a feeling I'm going to have to update equipment. First, it's kind of a pain in the butt writing in the notes app because I have to email it to myself, paste it into a word document, then fix all the formatting that didn't carry over. Also, I don't know how much more my little iPad can store. 

I'd imagine, before long, I'm going to be investing in a tablet that I can use google docs or something on. If you have any spare pennies, feel free to throw them at the "Keep Katherine Productive and Help Her Buy a New Tablet" fund.*

Anyway, this is my way of announcing that my newest book will be coming out soon-ish. The rough draft is almost done (my goal is end of September but probably by the end of the weekend), then the rewriting, the editing, beta reading, more editing, and so much wine drinking has to happen. Then it will be ready. I'm calling it a sweet paranormal rom-com. Not sure if that's an official subgenre but that's what I'm going with.

*This is not real, please don't throw pennies at me, that's how you lose an eye. BUT, I would not object to having bills and/or checks thrown my way.