Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I have a cat.

He thinks he's a dragon.

That probably happened when I named him after a dragon and continually call him a dragon.

And to be honest with you, I got him because he looks like a dragon.

Dragon mode activated.
He can't breathe fire...


I fear for the day when he figures out how. The house will never be the same.

For some reason he thinks I make a good climbing post.

This climbing post disagrees.

Picture from Google Images
I tried to find one of him curled up... but I could not scroll past this!
He's very distracting when I try to write.

It's probably because I am giving the flat, glowing box more attention than I'm giving him. But it's okay. It's very easy for him to walk across the bottom flat part to get my attention back to him where it belongs. He usually doesn't like being put on the floor when that happens, though.

Have you heard about the time where he laid on my keyboard and managed to lock it somehow? Google said pulling the battery would fix it. It did. I don't leave my laptop open on the table anymore, just in case.

Sometimes, he just sits on the table or couch next to me and watches while I write. Or disappears all together.

My dad suggested I write a children's book series about him. I rather like the idea, the problem is, I know very little about writing children's books. I also have a hard time imaging the adventures he would get into, considering he spends around 22 1/2 hours a day sleeping, 1 1/4 hours staring out the window, and the last 15 minutes is total time spent running frantically around the house.

For now, he'll just be my furry little mascot, annoying at the worst possible times, and adorable 100% of the time.

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