Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Writing Prompt I: "I saw him. The boy I had to kill" (pt. 5)

Two nice humans, but I was ready to go home.
I needed to find the Bringer quickly so I could.
I felt my energy drop suddenly and staggered to a dark doorway. I crouched in the shadows as I pulled the cord from my chargecell and plugged it into my disguise’s bellybutton. I watched the humans walking by as my power was restored. Tonight, I learned that there were really bad humans but there were also nice ones.
This gave me an idea. Would they be able to help me find the Bringer? I had his picture. I simply had to ask. Somebody might know where I would be able to find him. I just had to locate some of the nice ones.
Not an easy task on this planet.
I unplugged the cord and stood. I pulled out my communication device and found the picture of the Bringer as I stepped into the crowd of humans. I walked a few feet, then stopped next to a male selling those large papers with tiny writing on them and thin, shiny books with faces on the covers. “Excuse me, might know you this person?”
The male frowned at me. “What?”
“You know him?” I held up the picture.
“What? No! Get out of here, foreigner.” The male lashed out with one of the rolled up papers with writing on it, hitting me hard on the forehead.
I walked away, confused by the male’s reaction. He was hostile when I asked about the Bringer. It made me wonder if he knew him and hated him. Surely, if I told him that I was planning on destroying the Bringer, he would be willing to help. I turned around.
“My apologize sir,” I held up the picture again. “But would you hate him for I must end him.”
“What? Jesus, man! Don’t go around confessing you’re going to kill people! Now I have to call the cops on you, don’t move!” The man ordered and turned his attention to his own communication device.
I knew from my research disks that ‘cop’ was the police and I needed to stay away from them. I waited for the male to look away from me so I could escape. When he did, I ran down the block and around the corner. I leaned against a brick wall until my breathing returned to normal. Sharing my plan with an unknown was a beginner’s mistake and I hoped that nobody in my unit ever found out. I straightened my back and stepped away from the wall. I needed to finish this mission without delay and with no more mistakes.
I walked a few meters down the street and stopped a female pushing a cart full of strange items. “Ma’am, might know you him?” I asked, showing her the picture.
“My baby! It’s my baby!” She screamed as she threw her arms around me.
She smelled terribly and I did not appreciate being accosted a second time that day. I carefully untangled myself from her grasp and walked quickly away. If she thought I was her offspring, I did not want any information she might have on the Bringer. It would probably be incorrect.
Suddenly, I recalled the old female the Bringer had bowed to. Surely she would know where I could find him. I spun in a circle-only getting hit by humans twice-to get my bearings, then set off in the direction I thought the small shop the female had occupied was in. After wandering the area for nearly an hour, I realized I did not remember exactly where the shop was located and that most of the businesses around me were closing.
I sped up my search. I did not know how long the female would be in the shop, but I did not want to be on this planet one moment longer than necessary.
I was just beginning to worry that I was lost yet again when a wave of smells hit me and I sneezed. I looked up through leaking eyes to find myself in front of the exact shop I was looking for.
The old female was at the front window turning a placard to ‘Closed.’ In my desperation, I pushed on the door. When it did not budge, I knocked, trying to get her attention.
The old female waved her hands at me so I waved again. She marched to the door, turned a knob and pulled it open a few inches. “I’m closed. What do you want?”
I was temporarily distracted by her garments. They were brightly colored and covered with small, shiny disks. She also had a piece thrown over her shoulder almost like what the humans with special abilities wore in the research disks, but hers was much smaller.
“What do you want?!” She nearly shouted at me.
“My apologize.” I held up my communicator so she could see the picture of the Bringer. “Might know you where I find him?”
“Why are you looking for Akhilesh?”
“I need him to find.”
The female frowned, her brown, wrinkled skin somehow became wrinklier. “You need him to find what?”
I stared at her, not completely understanding her question. “I must him find.”
“You need to find him?” The female glared at me.
I nodded. “Yes. I must him find. You know location of him?”
Her eyes narrowed. “What do you need to find Akhilesh for?”
I shook my head at the frustrating female. Why would she not tell me what I needed to know? “I must him find,” I repeated.
“Akhilesh is a good boy! I will not have him getting into whatever you are doing! Criminals coming around trying to get Akhilesh to carry their drugs or to steal things for them!” She waved her hands in front of my face before shoving me away from her door and slamming it shut.
I stumbled down the step and fell into the street. I heard a tearing sound and knew that I had ripped my newly cleaned garments. I turned to look back at the female. She was pointing a finger at me and looked very angry.
“He’s going to college! He is doing great things with his life! Go away!” She yelled through the glass hand waved her hands at me again before turning and disappearing into the dark store.
I carefully got to my feet, worried I had hurt myself in my fall, but thankfully nothing hurt too badly. I felt better than when the two men had accosted me earlier in the night.
This planet is not a safe one. It was a wonder that any humans survived more than a few days. I turned, not paying attention to where I was walking, I just knew I had to stay close to the shop. The angry old female seemed to know the Bringer and was trying to protect him from somebody called ‘Criminals.’ I would have to find him before ‘Criminals’ did to complete my mission so I could leave.
I was lost in thought when a loud sound coming from one of the human’s large transportation vehicles startled me. I realized that I had just stepped in front of it and it had nearly run me over. It will be a good day for the universe when the humans discover hover technology and stop relying on gravity and wheels for general transportation.
I backed onto the curb to wait for the traffic to subside when a male wearing a blue garment on his head across the street from me caught my eye.
It was him. The Bringer. I finally found him.
I closed my eyes and bowed my head, giving thanks to the Supreme Being for letting me find him and bring an end to this trip.
I looked up, half expecting the Bringer to have slipped away from me once again, but no, he was still there but he was moving away from me. I would not let him escape again. I felt an uncustomary rage build up inside of me at everything I had endured on this trip. All thoughts of a quiet kill burned away in my anger. I pulled my weapon from my pocket with my right hand and took ahold of the transcarrier around my neck with my left.
I ran into the street, dodging transporters and ignoring the loud beeps they were making. I plowed through the crowd, not caring how many humans I hit or angered. Finally, he was close enough that I could touch him. I raised my weapon instead.
“Bringer!” My yell was loud and full of hate. The humans around me stopped and stared at me, including the Bringer. “Bringer! You will not end my people!”
“What?” The Bringer looked around, as if I was talking to someone else.
“You will not end my people!” I shouted and pressed a button on my weapon. A blast of energy hit the Bringer in the chest and he vaporized. I activated my transcarrier and was back on my ship before the other humans could react. I stumbled to the navigation panel and slammed my hand onto the blue panel that would take me home. I collapsed to the floor as my ship broke through the roof of the police’s shelter and into the stars.
My people were safe and I was going home.


The End.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you brought it together - interesting read, Katherine.
