Sunday, July 7, 2019

Baby Steps in the Right Direction

I wrote 1032 words today.

That doesn't seem like much but that is the most productive writing I've done in I can't even tell you how long. It's been probably more than 6 months.

Before today, most work I've gotten done is staring at my computer, willing the words to come out, and editing what I have done for the 300th time. I've also been staring at my outline, constantly telling myself that I am so close to being done and then not doing the writing that would actually make me be done.

It feels good. So good to be back at the keyboard (clicky alphabet for those who read the same article that I did: 8 Ways to Fit Writing into Your Life) and see progress on that blank page. To see the words flow like I forgot they could. To be proud of the progress, as little as it is.

It's actually my birthday! Woo!
I also played around with cover designs on which the glorious Sarah Buhrman, the Author Goddess, herself told me about. It's a cool website for writers to pick customizable cover art from a ton of options for not a ton of money. Authors can also work with artists to design original covers for their books. It's all in-progress right now but if I manage to pull this off, you'll get to see what I've been working on.

You see, there's a huge writing contest that closes at the end of August that I have no chance in winning but I'm going to throw my hat in the ring anyway. What do I have to lose? I get something written and you get to read something else. It's a win-win... although that $25,000 grand prize wouldn't be a kick to the teeth.

And I'm writing my first blog post in... 😐 Moving on.

Program containing my short
story and buttons I made.
See! I wasn't lying!
And guys, I totally spaced on telling you, a short story I wrote, Phoenix-Born, got runner up in a writing contest a couple of months ago! It was the annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy writing contest put on by Constellation, a local con that celebrates all things nerdy and amazing. And guys, members of the Nebraska Writer's Guild swept the short story contest! Sarah Buhrman (see above) got first place with me in second. They said they had a record number of entries this year and are looking at splitting into different categories to get more winners in the future. It's exciting to be part of something that is growing.

Someday I'll get it posted somewhere so you can read it.

Baby steps, people. Baby steps.

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