Saturday, December 12, 2020

Going MIA

 I fell off the face of the earth.

I mean, not really, but it sure has felt like that the last couple of months. I don’t know if you know this, but it’s kind of a dumpster fire out there.

I wish I had a great reason like I was kidnapped by Somali pirates while sailing on a yacht worth more than most countries’ GNP and the UN just negotiated my release.

Or I became a long-haul trucker.

Alas, neither is true. Life just got the better of me… and I signed up for Hulu.

Some things that have happened since my last post in September:

1)      Ate in a restaurant for the first time since March

2)      Visited my family for Labor Day

3)      Broke my car a couple of times

4)      Judged entries for an anthology

5)      Had two short stories accepted for an anthology

6)      Had a short story rejected by a magazine

7)      Read/listened to a bunch of books

8)      Learned a whole bunch about death, dead bodies, and the American death industry

9)      The high school speech team I help with started back up

10)  Stayed in a Yurt

11)  Drank far too much wine with my sister and bestie on Halloween

12)  Got Covid and had to quarantine for 2 weeks

13)  Spent Thanksgiving alone

14)  Discovered the Mandalorian

15)  Made a flat Christmas tree out of an inverted trellis, garland, and lights

It's a bit scruffy and only half the lights work
but it turned out better than I expected with
my limited craft skills

That seems like a lot of stuff to be doing during a global pandemic but I’ll remind you, that’s over 2 months and most of that stuff can be done from the comfort of my apartment. Man, are we all getting our money’s worth out of our rent/mortgage this year.

I’ll go more into some/most of these in individual posts, just wanted to let you all know that I’m still alive.


  1. Katherine, so glad you are still alive!! The trellis tree looks cute as can be - we are not decorating inside at all. Dave did get our wooden, white Nativity yard decoration up in the yard with the blue floodlight. It is pretty special to us. Hope your Covid experience does not have too many after-effects. Stay well - hope the yurt was fun and cannot wait for this 2020 to be GONE!!
